from ashes

a carrd for FFXIV characters ㅤashe, rami and mokos, ㅤwritten by ㅤash! ㅤwriter ash is 25+, and uses they/them pronouns. i've been playing xiv since just before 5.5. other things in xiv i like to do include high-end content, crafting, roulettes, frontlines pvp, and achievement hunting. ㅤashe kheiron is my main.i enjoy both in-game rp and discord rp. feel free to reach out to set up either.i run a venue with a friend! come see us at franky's dive bar --- i write the co-owner, riley angelov.mare available upon request. send me a tell to get my attention.


code of conduct

01.ㅤ| ㅤ21+ required : i am over 25. i prefer my rp partners to be the same, with a minimum of 21.02.ㅤ| ㅤic=/=ooc : anything my characters say do not necessarily reflect my beliefs. relationships built in character do not exist out of character.03.ㅤ| ㅤmultiship/alternate timelines : welcome and encouraged. i write often with personal friends and each timeline is previously agreed upon and planned out; i'm happy to do that with any and all co-writers. this includes characters who are listed to have relationships-- fictional 'cheating' is stupid so we'll AU it, as needed.

04.ㅤ| ㅤboundaries are imperative : ㅤit should seem obvious, but writing with my boys don't mean you own them or can dictate what they can and cannot do. set your boundaries with me and i'll do the same.05.ㅤ| ㅤbigots unwelcome : i don't consort with any of the traditional -phobes or -isms. please do not approach if you have any anti-lgbtqia+ ideaology, racist/antisemitic/islamophobic, fascist, or honestly, traditionally right-wing rhetoric.06.ㅤ| ㅤno erp : i only do fade-to-black scenarios, and that's only if our characters get that far. i do not rp with the intention of erp or IC sex.

available rp

01.ㅤ| ㅤstory-heavy rp : i am particularly interested in developing rami's life in ishgard as an engineer, or mokos' antics as a nasty crime boy.02.ㅤ| ㅤrelationship building : friends are never far and few between for any of my boys. developing relationships with new people and being a supporting actor in other's stories is what i love to write

03.ㅤ| ㅤcasual/one shot stories : be it the quicksands or in venues, shorter, circumstantial rp is fun for me!04.ㅤ| ㅤdark/mature storylines : ㅤmokos is a criminal, so his involvement is obvious, but rami can be molded to fit in any scenario. character development!05.ㅤ| ㅤanything else : with the exception of erp; honestly just ask. i'll entertain nearly any idea and if i'm uncomfortable with it, i'll let you know.

ashe kheiron

ㅤ Don't worry, sweet baby!
Don't you ever worry about a thing
Put them worries on the shelf and learn to love yourself
Don't be your own worst enemy

name.ㅤ ㅤashe kheiron
age.ㅤ ㅤ128
gender.ㅤ ㅤtransmasculine // he/they
species.ㅤ ㅤviera // rava
eyes.ㅤ ㅤgreen // gold
hair.ㅤ ㅤbrown // black
complexion.ㅤ sandy tan, sunkissed
distinguishing features.ㅤ aether corrupted eyes, chest scarring, rounded ears

nameday.ㅤ ㅤ23rd sun, 5th astral moon
height.ㅤ 186 cm / 6'2"ft // max height ig
sexuality.ㅤ bisexual
residence.ㅤ shirogane, hingashi
hometown.ㅤ lavender beds, gridania
occupation.ㅤ ㅤbotanist, WOL
connections.ㅤ kute misfits free company
wolships.ㅤ estinien varlineau, emet-selch, hythlodaeus

ashe grew up in golmore jungle feeling a little different from his peers. around his thirteenth nameday, ashe's sex started to manifest and he dreaded every minute of the realization. he knew what it meant when his traits started to skew feminine-- one day, he'd have to watch his friends leave the village and him behind, living the life he wished he could have. he kept his sex a secret for as long as possible, desperate to keep a semblance of dignity and his chosen gender. around his fifteenth nameday, village leaders found out anyway. visibly distraught and on the cusp of pleading for a life he desired, he found out he absolutely was not the first viera to battle with their manifested sex, and surely wouldn't be the last. respecting his pronouns and gender, leadership allowed him to join his masculine peers in the trees, set on a life protecting the jungle and the village. he met numerous other protectors who were just like him, providing him much-needed comfort in his life on the outskirts. after a few years, though, he realized that isolated life wasn't all it was cracked up to be. he left life in the jungle, traversing through scarcely touched lands and life unknown to him before settling in gridania. once settled, he took up conjury in response to the autumn war and focused on healing soldiers from lands across the continent. his dabbling in conjury encouraged him to continue to practice aether manipulation and he toyed with the idea of changing his body to finally match the gender he'd chosen. his curiosities got the better of him one day as he grew more and more frustrated with his breasts-- a simple spell rid them completely... or so he thought. his manipulation of aether was mediocre at best, which caused the spell to rip through his breast tissue and ricochet into his eyes. the pain and shock of the spell ripped through his body, all but paralyzing him in floods of aether and blood. he was alone in his small home in the shroud, in far outskirts in gridania; hardly a soul to hear him. but the shroud isn't alone or lonely-- far from it, with the presence of elementals. he'd gotten lucky that day, ashe reflects now, that an elemental had taken enough interest in him to stabilize his aether enough to call for help. the elemental was quiet, mysterious in its motivations, and ashe hardly remembers more than a bright orange figure and the name 'kheiron'. the conjury guild didn't leave him to live with his mistakes alone after his requests for aid; after a time healing and recovering from his experiment, he realized it worked. the scars that line his chest are a trophy of resilience, though he misses the sight and pigment his gold eye now lacks. ashe attributed his survival to the elemental he knows as kheiron, and took the elemental's name in recognition. after this spectacular blunder, he lived quietly in gridania amongst the trees and in kheiron's embrace, through garlean dramatics and calamities alike. wol lore: ashe traveled to ul'dah on behalf of the botanist's guild, delivering new medicines and materials to the alchemist's guild. he stumbled into the scions of the seventh dawn on this trip, where he used his skills in conjury and white magic to become an accidental hero. the scions often visit his abode shirogane to ask for help, though he'd so much rather be left alone to his plants by the crimson sea shores.


01.ㅤ| ashe is ㅤnotㅤ a major RP character. sorry! i don't do private rp with him without an established personal relationship.02.ㅤ| ㅤashe is not wu/t friendly, as a result of the above.02.ㅤ| ㅤif my rp tag is on or i am at an explicitly rp venue, feel free to approach IC.

rami dvare

ㅤ The compass drifts again
Stomach in knots
I can't pretend
This life flies by in the wind
A green that wants to grow

name.ㅤ rami dvare
age.ㅤ ㅤ30
gender.ㅤ ㅤmale // he/him/his
species.ㅤ ㅤviera // rava
eyes.ㅤ light green
hair.ㅤ ㅤblack // blue
complexion.ㅤ olive toned, freckled
distinguishing features.ㅤ heavy freckles. rat's nest hair.

nameday.ㅤ ㅤ23rd sun, 5th astral moon
height.ㅤ 183 cm / 6'0"ft // max height ig
sexuality.ㅤ bisexual, masc lean
residence.ㅤ ㅤkugane, hingashi // ishgard, coerthas
hometown.ㅤ ㅤrabanastre, dalmasca
occupation.ㅤ ㅤskysteel engineer
connections.ㅤ abel skallagrim // friend

born in rabanastre to parents raised outside of golmore jungle, rami spent most of his life in kugane after the garlean suppression in his kithood. growing up, rami's parents spent a lot of time suppressing their viera influences and allowed rami to grow up without the influence of the green word. this, in turn, created somewhat of an identity crisis-- without parents to support his interest in his heritage and very few viera in kugane to learn from, rami's desire to explore cultures of the world began to blossom. rami left kugane at 25 to set upon the path to golmore jungle, naught a gil to his name nor much more than a hand-me-down bow for protection. he attempted to pass through garlean-occupied yanxia and doma, but roads most perilous caught him in the crossfire of revolutions and fights of freedom. he spent 6-8 months dodging garlean officers and learning about the road to golmore, until he resigned to his fate that it was nigh impossible to make it in one piece. he returned to kugane and set off to explore the other side of the world, finding port in limsa lominsa before promptly setting on his way to ishgard. though wildly unwelcome to outsiders since the calamity, his eagerness to meet with and learn from the machinists at skysteel manufactory ensured him safe passage into the city. rami found cheap solace in the brume, though most of his nights were spent slumped over a desk or by the warmth of the forge at the manufactory. he hardly left the fires, enamored with the tech and dedicated to learning all he could from the ironworks engineers after ishgard opened its gates again. many of the arms wielded by modern machinists are of rami's design, as well as a few (admittedly very niche) sharpshooting techniques. though his love of the manufactory seemed unending, rami traveled extensively for half-year periods across the globe, wherever he could get travel for cheap. he visited warmer climates especially to escape the biting air of ishgard, such as the cieldalaes, thavnair, and tural. he ingrained himself in their communities every time he made the trip and made himself useful; one such way was packmule labor for the alchemists in the great work. around his 30th birthday and after the events of the final days, he left ishgard behind for good, returning to limsa lominsa with the intention of sailing back to kugane and pushing forward into golmore once more.


01.ㅤ| ㅤorigins : rami and his family are refugees from dalmasca, an unfortunate side effect from the garlean suppression. dalmascan refugees tend to find each other, somehow...02.ㅤ| ㅤorigins : rami grew up without the green word, so he doesn't know much about rava tradition and culture. it's a sore spot, but he's secretly fascinated.03.ㅤ| ㅤishgard : rami spent an extraordinary amount of time in the skysteel manufactory. maybe rami has upgraded your gear, or you're interested in working with him to design a new firearm.

04.ㅤ| ㅤishgard : rami lived in the brume and frequented hovels and holes in the area. the forgotten knight was one such haunt, so maybe you've seen him or had a drink with him.05.ㅤ| ㅤworld travels : rami carries a variety of trinkets and souvenirs from the cities and villages he's visited. from the extravagant thavnairian scarf tied to his bag to the black ishgardian chocobo feather in his hair, rami doesn't hide evidence of his extensive travel.05.ㅤ| ㅤworld travels : while traveling, rami picks up a variety of contracts from local small businesses. he's worked with many such travelers and locals alike on short term jobs- maybe you've worked with him or traveled adjacent to him

mokos djt-dvre

ㅤ I was a teenage outlaw
With no worries on my mind
And now I'm getting older
My heart is growing colder, oh, that's fine

name.ㅤ ㅤmokos djt-dvre
age.ㅤ ㅤ84
gender.ㅤ ㅤmale // he/him/his
species.ㅤ ㅤviera // rava
eyes.ㅤ ㅤsky blue
hair.ㅤ ㅤplatinum blond
complexion.ㅤ deep copper toned, freckled
distinguishing features.ㅤ shockingly bright features. large scar, right eye.

nameday.ㅤ ㅤ3rd sun, 6th umbral moon
height.ㅤ 183 cm / 6'0"ft, so he says // 170 cm / 5'7"ft in reality (min height)
sexuality.ㅤ bisexual, masc lean
residence.ㅤ gridania, the black shroud
hometown.ㅤ golmore jungle
occupation.ㅤ ㅤpetty thief, coeurlclaw poacher
connections.ㅤ boe skallagrim // "business" associate

strikingly beautiful and equally dangerous, mokos is an exiled rava from golmore jungle. starting at a young age, mokos engaged in petty crime before being shipped off to the outskirts of the jungle as a protector. instead, he spent his days away from other viera, opting to terrorize dalmascans, garleans, and other travelers who dared get too close to the edge of the forest. committing theft, assault, and smuggling, the viera of the wood quickly exiled mokos to preserve their reputation. he settled in gridania and fell into the coeurlclaw poachers for a quick buck, and is always finding more ways to cause trouble and make money. mokos is smug and unapologetic in his actions. he is focused on self-preservation and is overwhelmingly selfish. as a result, he is open about his desires and goals-- especially regarding sex and money. he enjoys having some semblance of control in interactions and will do anything to maintain it.


01.ㅤ| ㅤorigins : years ago, the roads that lined the outskirts of golmore jungle were exceedingly dangerous thanks to the influence of an alleged rogue viera. mokos suspiciously has similarities to the terror of golmore...02.ㅤ| ㅤhaunts : mokos is a frequent patron of buscarron's druthers, the tavern deep in the shroud. though it's a neutral ground, maybe you've seen him antagonizing the wood wailers.03.ㅤ| ㅤcrime : deep in the shroud, maybe you've noticed a coeurlclaw poacher who has much longer ears than others.

ashe kheiron

mokos djt-dvre

rami dvare